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Zombies tonight; after that, haunted Lawrence, pumpkins, pottery, books and more | LJW

By Sarah Parson on October 21, 2021

With little more than a week remaining before Halloween, spooky events in Lawrence are hitting their stride.

• After the Zombie Walk makes its return tonight in downtown Lawrence, starting at 6 p.m. in South Park, Lawrencians in need of a ghostly evening can join Ric Averill for “Ghosting Lawrence: A Theatrical Tour of Downtown Haunts.” For the cost of admission ($25), participants will meet up with Averill at the Lawrence Arts Center, 940 New Hampshire St., before commencing a walking tour of “haunted downtown, assisted by spirits dancing, playing and singing their way through the rich, eerie history of Lawrence.” The event takes place at 7 p.m. Thursday through Oct. 24 and Oct. 27-30; see for tickets.

• A heads up for the week to come: The Free State Film Society will host a screening of the cult classic “Carnival of Souls” on Oct. 28 at Liberty Hall. Keyboardist Jeff Stolz will set the mood with live music before the film begins, and KU film and media professor Matt Jacobson will provide a few remarks on the film. The event, which will be dedicated to Lawrence filmmaker Herk Harvey and the Oldfather Studios, is free for members of the Free State Film Society; nonmembers can join the Society, or pay the $10 admission charge. For more details, see the festival’s website. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., music begins at 7, and the film will start at 7:30. Please see for Covid protocols.