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June 26-29

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Join us next month for our screening of EO on March 28 as part of National Science on Screen Day.

The Lawrence Arts Center Microcinema heads to the Cider Gallery for a candlelit evening of silent film, live jazz, and tasty treats by Taylor’s Donuts. Dziga Vertov’s acclaimed film Man with a Movie Camera comes to life with an original soundtrack performed live by musicians Eric Mardis (guitar), Paul Schmidt (bass) and Ryan Johnson (drums). Hailed as one of the top ten films ever made by the British Film Institute due to its groundbreaking experimentation in cinematic technique, this stunningly visual film depicts one day of work and play in 1929’s Moscow and the Ukrainian cities of Kyiv and Odesa- a time capsule made especially revealing in the context of current events. This breathtaking visual poem is a must see for anyone interested in film history or those simply wishing to be swept away by the magic of jazz, cinema (and donuts!) on a dreamy February evening.

Tickets: $15

Admissions is FREE for Free State Film Society subscribers with advance registration.
Join the society today and receive your promo code by email!

The Lawrence Arts Center’s Microcinema Series is supported in part by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Special thank you to sponsors Margie Wakefield Law Office, PA.


February 17, 2023
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories:
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Cider Gallery
810 Pennsylvania St.
Lawrence, KS 66044 United States
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