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June 26-29

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Science on Screen series launches with Gremlins Movie Party

Our new Science on Screen series kicked off December 2nd with a lively screening of Gremlins accompanied by yummy treats and science presentations. Audience members were treated to Gizmo cake pops, ginger bread cookies and bright green cotton candy bombs that ‘morphed’ in bubbly beverages courtesy of Amber Scullery.

Roseanne Agderain from Operation WildLife then captured hearts with a presentation on nocturnal animals featuring a special appearance by Sunshine the great horned owl!

Next up, the KU Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology took the stage with fascinating presentations by Dr. Jennifer Gleason on circadian rhythms and Matthew Travert on budding.

The film screening was met with lots of laughter, ‘awe’s’ at Gizmo’s cuteness and gasps at surprising moments. It was a delightful evening at the Lawrence Arts Center Microcinema filled with learning, community and holiday cheer.

Look for announcements on our 2023 programming coming soon!

This event was supported by Science on Screen®, an initiative of the Coolidge Corner Theatre, with major support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

The Lawrence Arts Center’s Microfilm Series is supported in part by the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission, which receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Special thank you to sponsors Margie Wakefield Law Office, PA and KU Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum.

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